MBrace.Runtime Namespace
Type | Description |
AppDomainWorkItemEvaluator | Defines a Cloud work item evaluator that runs in a managed pool of application domains. Loading of assembly dependencies is performed by Vagabond, in a way where conflicting dependencies will never be collocated in the same AppDomain. |
AttacheableLogger | Logger that can be used to subscribe underlying loggers. |
AttacheableLoggerManager | ILoclaSystemLogManager wrapper for AttacheableLogger |
CloudCancellationToken | Distributed ICloudCancellationToken[Source] implementation |
CloudLogEntry | Represents a log entry that has been generated by an MBrace process |
CloudProcess<'T> | Represents a cloud computation that is being executed in the cluster. |
CloudProcess | Represents a cloud computation that is being executed in the cluster. |
CloudProcessInfo | Cloud process metadata |
CloudProcessResult | Task result container |
CloudProcessState | Cloud process execution state record |
CloudWorkItem | A cloud work item is fragment of a cloud process to be executed in a single machine. |
CloudWorkItemFaultInfo | Fault metadata of provided cloud work item |
CloudWorkItemId | Unique cloud work item identifier |
CloudWorkItemType | Cloud work item creation metadata |
ConsoleLogger | A logger that writes to the system console |
ExecutionTime | Cloud execution time metadata |
FileSystemLogger | Logger that writes log entries to a local file |
FsPicklerBinarySerializer | FsPickler.Binary implementation of ISerializer |
FsPicklerJsonSerializer | FsPickler.Json implementation of ISerializer |
FsPicklerStoreSerializer | Abstract FsPickler ISerializer implementation |
FsPicklerStoreTextSerializer | |
FsPicklerXmlSerializer | FsPickler.Xml implementation of ISerializer |
IAssemblyManager | Defines a Vagabond assembly manager |
ICancellationEntry | Defines a serializable cancellation entry with global visibility that can be cancelled or polled for cancellation. |
ICancellationEntryFactory | Defines a serializable cancellation entry manager with global visibility. |
ICloudCounter | Defines a distributed counter entity. |
ICloudCounterFactory | Defines a cloud counter factory abstraction. |
ICloudLogManager | Abstraction used for managing cloud log entries |
ICloudProcessEntry | Cloud process completion source abstraction |
ICloudProcessManager | Cloud process manager object |
ICloudResultAggregator<'T> | Defines a serializable, distributed result aggregator entity. |
ICloudResultAggregatorFactory | Defines a factory for creating runtime primitives. |
ICloudWorkItemEvaluator | Work item evaluator abstraction |
ICloudWorkItemLeaseToken | Cloud work item lease token given to workers that dequeue it |
ICloudWorkItemLogger | CloudLogger instance used for logging a specific work item |
ICloudWorkItemQueue | Defines a distributed queue for work items |
ILocalSystemLogManager | Object for managing system logs generated by the current process |
ILogPoller<'LogEntry> | Log polling abstraction used for subscribing to new log events |
IRemoteSystemLogger | System logger instance used for logging cluster-wide entries |
IRuntimeId | Runtime provided runtime identifier |
IRuntimeManager | Abstract MBrace runtime management object. Contains all functionality necessary for the coordination of an MBrace cluster. |
IRuntimeSystemLogManager | Object for managing system logs generated by the entire cluster. |
ISystemLogger | Abstract logger type used by underlying MBrace runtime implementations. |
IWorkerId | Runtime provided worker identifier must implement equality and comparison semantics |
IWorkerManager | Worker manager abstraction; must be serializable |
JsonDotNetSerializer | Json.Net implementation of ISerializer |
LocalWorkItemEvaluator | Defines a Cloud work item evaluator that runs code within the current application domain |
LogLevel | LogLevel enumeration |
MBraceClient | MBrace runtime client handle abstract class. |
MarshaledAction<'T> | Action that can be marshalled across AppDomains |
MarshaledAction | |
MarshaledLogger | Serializable Logger proxy implementation that can be marshaled across AppDomains |
NullLogger | A logger that performs no action |
ParallelismProvider | Implements the IDistribution provider implementation to be passed to MBrace workflow execution |
PerformanceInfo | Some node metrics, such as CPU, memory usage, etc |
PerformanceMonitor | Collects statistics on CPU, memory, network, etc. |
RuntimeManagerRegistry | Global Registry for loading IRuntimeManager instances on primitive deserialization |
SystemLogEntry | Struct that specifies a single system log entry |
VagabondRegistry | Global Vagabond instance container |
WorkerAgent | Worker agent with updatable configuration |
WorkerExecutionStatus | Worker execution status for specific item |
WorkerInfo | Worker metadata as specified by the instance itself |
WorkerRef | A Serializable object used to identify a specific worker in a cluster. Can be used to point computations for execution at specific machines. |
WorkerState | Worker state object |
Module | Description |
LogLevel | |
LogUtils | |
Logger | |
RuntimeManagerExtensions | |
WorkItemEvaluator |
MBrace.Runtime.Components Namespace
Type | Description |
ClosureSiftConfiguration | Serializable ClosureSiftManager configuration object |
ClosureSiftManager | Management object used for optimizing large closures using CloudValue and Vagabond. Type is not serializable, transfer using the StoreAssemblyManagerConfiguration object instead. |
CompressionLevel | |
DefaultStoreCloudLogSchema | As simple store log schema where each cloud process creates its own root directory for storing logfiles; possibly not suitable for Azure where root directories are containers. |
DefaultStoreSystemLogSchema | As simple store log schema where each cloud process creates its own root directory for storing logfiles; possibly not suitable for Azure where root directories are containers. |
ICloudLogStoreSchema | Creates a schema for writing and fetching log files for specific Cloud tasks in StoreCloudLogManager instances |
ISystemLogStoreSchema | Creates a schema for writing and fetching system log files for specific workers |
PersistedValueManager | Provides utility methods for persisting .NET objects to files in the cloud store. Can be safely serialized. |
PickleOrFile<'T> | Represents an object entity that is either persisted in cloud store or comes as an encapsulated pickle if sufficiently small |
SiftedClosure<'T> | Contains a closure that has been sifted of large values. |
StoreAssemblyManager | AssemblyManager implementation that uses cloud store to share Vagabond assemblies. Type is not serializable, transfer using the StoreAssemblyManagerConfiguration object instead. |
StoreAssemblyManagerConfiguration | Distributable StoreAssemblyManagement configuration object |
StoreCloudLogManager | Cloud log manager implementation that uses the underlying cloud store for persisting and reading log entries. |
StoreCloudValueProvider | CloudValue provider implementation that is based on cloud storage. |
StoreJsonLogPoller<'LogEntry> | Object used for polling log entries from cloud file store |
StoreJsonLogWriter<'LogEntry> | Defines an object that serializes log entries to underlying store in batches |
StoreJsonLogger | |
StoreSystemLogManager | Tools for writing worker system logs to store. |
MBrace.Runtime.Store Namespace
Type | Description |
FileStoreCache | File store caching facility |
FileSystemStore | Cloud file store implementation targeting local file systems. |
MBrace.Runtime.Utils Namespace
Type | Description |
Atom<'T> | Thread-safe value container with optimistic update semantics |
CacheAtom<'T> | thread safe cache with expiry semantics |
CacheAtom | thread safe cache with expiry semantics |
InMemoryCache | In-Memory caching mechanism using System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache |
WorkItemExecutionMonitor | Provides a mechanism for cooperative work item execution monitoring. |
Module | Description |
Atom | Atom utilities module |
FsPicklerExtensions | |
Reflection | Reflection utilities |
Retry | Retry utilities |
String | |
Utils | |
XPlat |
MBrace.Runtime.Utils.PrettyPrinters Namespace
Type | Description |
Align | |
Field<'Record> | |
Record |
Module | Description |
Field | |
Type |
MBrace.ThreadPool Namespace
Type | Description |
ConsoleCloudLogger | CloudLogger implementation that writes output to stdout |
FileSystemStore | Local file system CloudFilestore implementation |
FsPicklerBinarySerializer | FsPickler Binary Serializer implementation |
FsPicklerJsonSerializer | FsPickler Json Serializer implementation |
FsPicklerXmlSerializer | FsPickler Xml Serializer implementation |
JsonDotNetSerializer | Json.Net Serializer implementation |
ThreadPoolCancellationToken | Cloud cancellation token implementation that wraps around System.Threading.CancellationToken |
ThreadPoolCancellationTokenSource | Cloud cancellation token source implementation that wraps around System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource |
ThreadPoolProcess<'T> | Cloud process implementation that wraps around System.Threading.Task for inmemory runtimes |
ThreadPoolRuntime | Defines an MBrace thread pool runtime instance that is capable of executing cloud workflows in the thread pool of the current process. |
MBrace.ThreadPool.Internals Namespace
Type | Description |
Combinators | Collection of workflows that provide parallelism using the .NET thread pool |
ThreadPoolAtomProvider | |
ThreadPoolDictionaryProvider | Defines an in-memory dictionary factory using ConcurrentDictionary |
ThreadPoolParallelismProvider | ThreadPool runtime IParallelismProvider implementation |
ThreadPoolQueueProvider | Defines an in-memory queue factory using mailbox processor |
ThreadPoolValueProvider | Provides an In-Memory CloudValue implementation |
ThreadPoolWorker | In-Memory WorkerRef implementation |