Namespace: MBrace.Runtime.Utils
Reflection utilities
Nested types and modules
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
tryFindGenericInterface interfaceTy ty
Signature: interfaceTy:Type -> ty:Type -> Type option
correctly resolves if type is assignable to generic interface |
Type extensions
Type extension | Description |
Signature: unit -> bool
Type parameters: 'Attr |
Checks if MemberInfo instance contains the supplied attribute. CompiledName: |
Signature: name:string -> Assembly option
Queries current AppDomain for loaded assembly of given name. CompiledName: |
Active patterns
Active pattern | Description |
( |CollectionWithCount|_| )
Signature: obj -> (IEnumerable * int) option
Active pattern identifying IEnumerable instances with fixed count CompiledName: |
( |FSharpFunc|_| )
Signature: Type -> (Type [] * Type) option
matches against lambda types, returning a tuple ArgType [] * ResultType CompiledName: |
( |Named|Array|Ptr|Param| ) t
Signature: t:Type -> Choice<(Type * Type []),(Type * int option),(bool * Type),(Type * int)>
System.Type active pattern recognizer CompiledName: |
( |Tuple|_| ) t
Signature: t:Type -> Type [] option
Matches type that is tuple, returning tuple element types CompiledName: |