

Namespace: MBrace.ThreadPool

Defines an MBrace thread pool runtime instance that is capable of executing cloud workflows in the thread pool of the current process.

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: MemoryEmulation

Gets the default memory emulation mode used in parallelism/store operations.

CompiledName: get_MemoryEmulation

Signature: ResourceRegistry

Gets the ResourceRegistry used by the client instance

CompiledName: get_Resources

Signature: (workflow:Cloud<'T> * cancellationToken:CancellationToken * memoryEmulation:MemoryEmulation option * logger:ICloudLogger option * resources:ResourceRegistry option) -> 'T
Type parameters: 'T

Executes a cloud computation using parallelism provided by the thread pool of the current process.

Signature: (workflow:Cloud<'T> * cancellationToken:ICloudCancellationToken option * memoryEmulation:MemoryEmulation option * logger:ICloudLogger option * resources:ResourceRegistry option) -> 'T
Type parameters: 'T

Executes a cloud computation using parallelism provided by the thread pool of the current process.

Signature: (workflow:Cloud<'T> * cancellationToken:CancellationToken * memoryEmulation:MemoryEmulation option * logger:ICloudLogger option * resources:ResourceRegistry option) -> ThreadPoolProcess<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

Executes a cloud computation as a local task using parallelism provided by the thread pool of the current process.

Signature: (workflow:Cloud<'T> * cancellationToken:ICloudCancellationToken option * memoryEmulation:MemoryEmulation option * logger:ICloudLogger option * resources:ResourceRegistry option) -> ThreadPoolProcess<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

Executes a cloud computation as a local task using parallelism provided by the thread pool of the current process.

Signature: (workflow:Cloud<'T> * memoryEmulation:MemoryEmulation option * logger:ICloudLogger option * resources:ResourceRegistry option) -> Async<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

Converts a cloud computation to an asynchronous workflow executed using parallelism provided by the thread pool of the current process.

Static members

Static memberDescription
Signature: (logger:ICloudLogger option * memoryEmulation:MemoryEmulation option * fileStore:ICloudFileStore option * serializer:ISerializer option * textSerializer:ITextSerializer option * valueProvider:ICloudValueProvider option * atomProvider:ICloudAtomProvider option * queueProvider:ICloudQueueProvider option * dictionaryProvider:ICloudDictionaryProvider option * resources:ResourceRegistry option) -> ThreadPoolRuntime

Creates a ThreadPool runtime instance using provided resource components.

Signature: sysToken:CancellationToken -> ThreadPoolCancellationToken

Creates a thread pool cancellation token wrapper to a System.Threading.CancellationToken

Signature: (canceled:bool option) -> ThreadPoolCancellationToken

Creates a fresh thread pool cancellation token.

Signature: (parents:ICloudCancellationToken []) -> ThreadPoolCancellationTokenSource

Creates a thread pool cancellation token source linked to a collection of parent tokens.

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