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module Config
namespace System
namespace System.IO
namespace MBrace
namespace MBrace.Core
namespace MBrace.Runtime
namespace MBrace.Azure
namespace MBrace.Azure.Management
val pubSettingsFile : string
Full name: Config.pubSettingsFile
Full name: Config.pubSettingsFile
val subscriptionId : string option
Full name: Config.subscriptionId
Full name: Config.subscriptionId
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.string
type string = System.String
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
val string : value:'T -> string
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.string
type string = System.String
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
type 'T option = Option<'T>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.option<_>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.option<_>
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
val clusterName : string
Full name: Config.clusterName
Full name: Config.clusterName
val region : Region
Full name: Config.region
Full name: Config.region
type Region =
private new : regionId:string -> Region
override Equals : other:obj -> bool
override GetHashCode : unit -> int
override ToString : unit -> string
member Id : string
static member Define : regionId:string -> Region
static member Central_US : Region
static member East_Asia : Region
static member East_US : Region
static member East_US_2 : Region
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.Region
private new : regionId:string -> Region
override Equals : other:obj -> bool
override GetHashCode : unit -> int
override ToString : unit -> string
member Id : string
static member Define : regionId:string -> Region
static member Central_US : Region
static member East_Asia : Region
static member East_US : Region
static member East_US_2 : Region
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.Region
property Region.North_Europe: Region
val vmSize : VMSize
Full name: Config.vmSize
Full name: Config.vmSize
type VMSize =
private new : vmId:string -> VMSize
override Equals : other:obj -> bool
override GetHashCode : unit -> int
override ToString : unit -> string
member Id : string
static member Define : vmId:string -> VMSize
static member A1 : VMSize
static member A10 : VMSize
static member A11 : VMSize
static member A2 : VMSize
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.VMSize
private new : vmId:string -> VMSize
override Equals : other:obj -> bool
override GetHashCode : unit -> int
override ToString : unit -> string
member Id : string
static member Define : vmId:string -> VMSize
static member A1 : VMSize
static member A10 : VMSize
static member A11 : VMSize
static member A2 : VMSize
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.VMSize
property VMSize.Large: VMSize
val vmCount : int
Full name: Config.vmCount
Full name: Config.vmCount
val useCustomCloudService : bool
Full name: Config.useCustomCloudService
Full name: Config.useCustomCloudService
val private tryGetCustomCsPkg : unit -> string option
Full name: Config.tryGetCustomCsPkg
Full name: Config.tryGetCustomCsPkg
val path : string
type Path =
static val DirectorySeparatorChar : char
static val AltDirectorySeparatorChar : char
static val VolumeSeparatorChar : char
static val InvalidPathChars : char[]
static val PathSeparator : char
static member ChangeExtension : path:string * extension:string -> string
static member Combine : [<ParamArray>] paths:string[] -> string + 3 overloads
static member GetDirectoryName : path:string -> string
static member GetExtension : path:string -> string
static member GetFileName : path:string -> string
Full name: System.IO.Path
static val DirectorySeparatorChar : char
static val AltDirectorySeparatorChar : char
static val VolumeSeparatorChar : char
static val InvalidPathChars : char[]
static val PathSeparator : char
static member ChangeExtension : path:string * extension:string -> string
static member Combine : [<ParamArray>] paths:string[] -> string + 3 overloads
static member GetDirectoryName : path:string -> string
static member GetExtension : path:string -> string
static member GetFileName : path:string -> string
Full name: System.IO.Path
Path.GetFullPath(path: string) : string
val not : value:bool -> bool
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.not
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.not
type File =
static member AppendAllLines : path:string * contents:IEnumerable<string> -> unit + 1 overload
static member AppendAllText : path:string * contents:string -> unit + 1 overload
static member AppendText : path:string -> StreamWriter
static member Copy : sourceFileName:string * destFileName:string -> unit + 1 overload
static member Create : path:string -> FileStream + 3 overloads
static member CreateText : path:string -> StreamWriter
static member Decrypt : path:string -> unit
static member Delete : path:string -> unit
static member Encrypt : path:string -> unit
static member Exists : path:string -> bool
Full name: System.IO.File
static member AppendAllLines : path:string * contents:IEnumerable<string> -> unit + 1 overload
static member AppendAllText : path:string * contents:string -> unit + 1 overload
static member AppendText : path:string -> StreamWriter
static member Copy : sourceFileName:string * destFileName:string -> unit + 1 overload
static member Create : path:string -> FileStream + 3 overloads
static member CreateText : path:string -> StreamWriter
static member Decrypt : path:string -> unit
static member Delete : path:string -> unit
static member Encrypt : path:string -> unit
static member Exists : path:string -> bool
Full name: System.IO.File
File.Exists(path: string) : bool
val failwith : message:string -> 'T
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.failwith
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.failwith
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val GetSubscriptionManager : unit -> SubscriptionManager
Full name: Config.GetSubscriptionManager
Full name: Config.GetSubscriptionManager
type SubscriptionManager =
private new : client:SubscriptionClient * defaultRegion:Region * _logger:ISystemLogger * logLevel:LogLevel -> SubscriptionManager
member AttachLogger : l:ISystemLogger -> IDisposable
member DeleteDeployment : serviceName:string * ?deleteStorageAccount:bool * ?deleteServiceBusAccount:bool -> unit
member DeleteDeploymentAsync : serviceName:string * ?deleteStorageAccount:bool * ?deleteServiceBusAccount:bool -> Async<unit>
member GetDeployment : serviceName:string -> Deployment
member GetDeploymentAsync : serviceName:string -> Async<Deployment>
member GetDeployments : unit -> Deployment []
member GetDeploymentsAsync : unit -> Async<Deployment []>
member Provision : vmCount:int * ?serviceName:string * ?region:Region * ?vmSize:VMSize * ?mbraceVersion:string * ?storageAccount:string * ?serviceBusAccount:string * ?cloudServicePackage:string * ?clusterLabel:string * ?enableDiagnostics:bool * ?reuseAccounts:bool -> Deployment
member ProvisionAsync : vmCount:int * ?serviceName:string * ?region:Region * ?vmSize:VMSize * ?mbraceVersion:string * ?storageAccount:string * ?serviceBusAccount:string * ?cloudServicePackage:string * ?clusterLabel:string * ?enableDiagnostics:bool * ?reuseAccounts:bool -> Async<Deployment>
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.SubscriptionManager
private new : client:SubscriptionClient * defaultRegion:Region * _logger:ISystemLogger * logLevel:LogLevel -> SubscriptionManager
member AttachLogger : l:ISystemLogger -> IDisposable
member DeleteDeployment : serviceName:string * ?deleteStorageAccount:bool * ?deleteServiceBusAccount:bool -> unit
member DeleteDeploymentAsync : serviceName:string * ?deleteStorageAccount:bool * ?deleteServiceBusAccount:bool -> Async<unit>
member GetDeployment : serviceName:string -> Deployment
member GetDeploymentAsync : serviceName:string -> Async<Deployment>
member GetDeployments : unit -> Deployment []
member GetDeploymentsAsync : unit -> Async<Deployment []>
member Provision : vmCount:int * ?serviceName:string * ?region:Region * ?vmSize:VMSize * ?mbraceVersion:string * ?storageAccount:string * ?serviceBusAccount:string * ?cloudServicePackage:string * ?clusterLabel:string * ?enableDiagnostics:bool * ?reuseAccounts:bool -> Deployment
member ProvisionAsync : vmCount:int * ?serviceName:string * ?region:Region * ?vmSize:VMSize * ?mbraceVersion:string * ?storageAccount:string * ?serviceBusAccount:string * ?cloudServicePackage:string * ?clusterLabel:string * ?enableDiagnostics:bool * ?reuseAccounts:bool -> Async<Deployment>
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.SubscriptionManager
static member SubscriptionManager.FromPublishSettingsFile : publishSettingsFile:string * defaultRegion:Region * ?subscriptionId:string * ?logger:ISystemLogger * ?logLevel:LogLevel -> SubscriptionManager
type ConsoleLogger = ConsoleLogger
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.ConsoleLogger
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.ConsoleLogger
val GetDeployment : unit -> Deployment
Full name: Config.GetDeployment
Gets the already existing deployment
Full name: Config.GetDeployment
Gets the already existing deployment
val ProvisionCluster : unit -> Deployment
Full name: Config.ProvisionCluster
Provisions a new cluster to Azure with supplied parameters
Full name: Config.ProvisionCluster
Provisions a new cluster to Azure with supplied parameters
val ResizeCluster : newVmCount:int -> unit
Full name: Config.ResizeCluster
Resizes the cluster using an updated VM count
Full name: Config.ResizeCluster
Resizes the cluster using an updated VM count
val newVmCount : int
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.int
type int = int32
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.int
type int<'Measure> = int
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.int<_>
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.int
type int = int32
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.int
type int<'Measure> = int
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.int<_>
val deployment : Deployment
member Deployment.Resize : vmCount:int -> unit
val DeleteCluster : unit -> unit
Full name: Config.DeleteCluster
Deletes an existing cluster deployment
Full name: Config.DeleteCluster
Deletes an existing cluster deployment
member Deployment.Delete : ?deleteStorageAccount:bool * ?deleteServiceBusAccount:bool -> unit
val GetCluster : unit -> AzureCluster
Full name: Config.GetCluster
Connect to the cluster
Full name: Config.GetCluster
Connect to the cluster
type AzureCluster =
inherit MBraceClient
private new : manager:ClusterManager * faultPolicy:FaultPolicy option -> AzureCluster
member AttachLocalWorker : ?workerId:string * ?workingDirectory:string * ?maxWorkItems:int * ?logFile:string * ?logLevel:LogLevel * ?quiet:bool * ?heartbeatInterval:TimeSpan * ?heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan * ?background:bool -> unit
member AttachLocalWorkers : workerCount:int * ?maxWorkItems:int * ?logLevel:LogLevel * ?quiet:bool * ?heartbeatInterval:TimeSpan * ?heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan * ?background:bool -> unit
member CullNonResponsiveWorkers : heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan -> unit
member CullNonResponsiveWorkersAsync : heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan -> Async<unit>
member KillAllLocalWorkers : unit -> unit
member KillLocalWorker : worker:IWorkerRef -> bool
member Reset : ?deleteQueues:bool * ?deleteRuntimeState:bool * ?deleteLogs:bool * ?deleteUserData:bool * ?deleteAssemblyData:bool * ?force:bool * ?reactivate:bool -> unit
member ResetAsync : ?deleteQueues:bool * ?deleteRuntimeState:bool * ?deleteLogs:bool * ?deleteUserData:bool * ?deleteAssemblyData:bool * ?force:bool * ?reactivate:bool -> Async<unit>
Full name: MBrace.Azure.AzureCluster
inherit MBraceClient
private new : manager:ClusterManager * faultPolicy:FaultPolicy option -> AzureCluster
member AttachLocalWorker : ?workerId:string * ?workingDirectory:string * ?maxWorkItems:int * ?logFile:string * ?logLevel:LogLevel * ?quiet:bool * ?heartbeatInterval:TimeSpan * ?heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan * ?background:bool -> unit
member AttachLocalWorkers : workerCount:int * ?maxWorkItems:int * ?logLevel:LogLevel * ?quiet:bool * ?heartbeatInterval:TimeSpan * ?heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan * ?background:bool -> unit
member CullNonResponsiveWorkers : heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan -> unit
member CullNonResponsiveWorkersAsync : heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan -> Async<unit>
member KillAllLocalWorkers : unit -> unit
member KillLocalWorker : worker:IWorkerRef -> bool
member Reset : ?deleteQueues:bool * ?deleteRuntimeState:bool * ?deleteLogs:bool * ?deleteUserData:bool * ?deleteAssemblyData:bool * ?force:bool * ?reactivate:bool -> unit
member ResetAsync : ?deleteQueues:bool * ?deleteRuntimeState:bool * ?deleteLogs:bool * ?deleteUserData:bool * ?deleteAssemblyData:bool * ?force:bool * ?reactivate:bool -> Async<unit>
Full name: MBrace.Azure.AzureCluster
static member AzureCluster.Connect : deployment:Deployment * ?clientId:string * ?faultPolicy:MBrace.Core.FaultPolicy * ?logger:ISystemLogger * ?logLevel:LogLevel -> AzureCluster
static member AzureCluster.Connect : config:Configuration * ?clientId:string * ?faultPolicy:MBrace.Core.FaultPolicy * ?logger:ISystemLogger * ?logLevel:LogLevel -> AzureCluster
static member AzureCluster.Connect : storageConnectionString:string * serviceBusConnectionString:string * ?clientId:string * ?faultPolicy:MBrace.Core.FaultPolicy * ?logger:ISystemLogger * ?logLevel:LogLevel -> AzureCluster
static member AzureCluster.Connect : config:Configuration * ?clientId:string * ?faultPolicy:MBrace.Core.FaultPolicy * ?logger:ISystemLogger * ?logLevel:LogLevel -> AzureCluster
static member AzureCluster.Connect : storageConnectionString:string * serviceBusConnectionString:string * ?clientId:string * ?faultPolicy:MBrace.Core.FaultPolicy * ?logger:ISystemLogger * ?logLevel:LogLevel -> AzureCluster
Multiple items
module LogLevel
from MBrace.Runtime
type LogLevel = LogLevel
Full name: MBrace.Azure.LogLevel
module LogLevel
from MBrace.Runtime
type LogLevel = LogLevel
Full name: MBrace.Azure.LogLevel
LogLevel.Info: LogLevel = 4