Provisioning your cluster using F# interactive
If using a locally simulated cluster (via ThespianCluster.fsx) you can ignore this tutorial. This tutorial is from the MBrace Starter Kit.
In this tutorial you learn how you can use the MBrace.Azure.Management library to provision an MBrace cluster using F# Interactive. In order to proceed, you will need to sign up for an Azure subscription. Once signed up, download your publication settings file .
Before proceeding, please go to AzureCluster.fsx
and set your azure authentication data and deployment preferences.
Once done, we can reload the script.
Now let's create a new cluster by calling
We can track the provisioning progress of the cluster by calling
Provisioning can take some time (approximately 5 minutes). Once done, you can now connect to your cluster as follows:
1: 2: 3: |
You can now run any of the subsequent tutorials and examples in your Azure cluster.
Modifying the cluster
You can resize the cluster by calling
When done, it is important to make sure that the cluster has been deprovisioned
In this tutorial, you've learned how to provision an MBrace clusters running on Azure using MBrace.Azure.Management. You are now ready to proceed with further samples to learn more about the MBrace programming model.
To learn more about provisioning, monitoring, scaling and deleting clusters using MBrace.Azure.Management see going-further/200-managing-azure-clusters.fsx.
Full name: 0-provision-azure-cluster.deployment
module Config
type Config =
private new : unit -> Config
static member DefaultLogger : ISystemLogger
static member DefaultLogger : ISystemLogger with set
Full name: MBrace.Azure.Management.Config
Full name: Config.ProvisionCluster
Provisions a new cluster to Azure with supplied parameters
Full name: 0-provision-azure-cluster.cluster
Full name: Config.GetCluster
Connect to the cluster
Full name: Config.ResizeCluster
Resizes the cluster using an updated VM count
Full name: Config.DeleteCluster
Deletes an existing cluster deployment