MBrace local cluster simulator


Namespace: MBrace.Thespian

Defines a client object used for administering MBrace worker processes.

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: bool

Gets whether worker process is idle.

CompiledName: get_IsIdle

Signature: bool

Gets whether worker process acts as host (master node) to an MBrace cluster.

CompiledName: get_IsMasterNode

Signature: bool

Gets whether worker process is subscribed (slave node) to an MBrace cluster state.

CompiledName: get_IsWorkerNode

Signature: (signal:int option) -> unit

Sends a kill signal to the worker process.

Signature: unit -> unit

Resets the cluster state of the worker process.

Signature: string

MBrace uri identifier for worker instance.

CompiledName: get_Uri

Static members

Static memberDescription
Signature: worker:IWorkerRef -> ThespianWorker

Gets an MBrace worker client instance from supplied WorkerRef object.

Signature: uri:string -> ThespianWorker

Connects to an MBrace worker process with supplied MBrace uri.

Signature: unit -> string

Gets or sets a local path to the MBrace.Thespian worker executable. This is used for spawning of child worker processes from the client.

CompiledName: set_LocalExecutable

Signature: unit -> unit

Gets or sets a local path to the MBrace.Thespian worker executable. This is used for spawning of child worker processes from the client.

CompiledName: get_LocalExecutable

Signature: (hostname:string option * port:int option * workingDirectory:string option * maxConcurrentWorkItems:int option * maxLogWriteInterval:TimeSpan option * logLevel:LogLevel option * logFiles:seq<string> option * useAppDomainIsolation:bool option * runAsBackground:bool option * quiet:bool option * heartbeatInterval:TimeSpan option * heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan option) -> ThespianWorker

Spawns a new worker process in the current machine with supplied configuration parameters.

Signature: (hostname:string option * port:int option * workingDirectory:string option * maxConcurrentWorkItems:int option * maxLogWriteInterval:TimeSpan option * logLevel:LogLevel option * logFiles:seq<string> option * useAppDomainIsolation:bool option * runAsBackground:bool option * quiet:bool option * heartbeatInterval:TimeSpan option * heartbeatThreshold:TimeSpan option) -> Async<ThespianWorker>

Asynchronously spawns a new worker process in the current machine with supplied configuration parameters.

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