MBrace local cluster simulator


Namespace: MBrace.Thespian.Runtime

Actor publication utilities

Static members

Static memberDescription
Signature: unit -> ISystemLogger

CompiledName: set_Logger

Signature: unit -> unit

CompiledName: get_Logger

Publish(actor, name)
Signature: (actor:Actor<'T> * name:string option) -> Actor<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

Publishes an actor instance to the default TCP protocol

SelfStateful(init behaviour)
Signature: init:'State -> (behaviour:(Actor<'T> -> 'State -> 'T -> Async<'State>)) -> Actor<'T>
Type parameters: 'State, 'T

Stateful actor behaviour combinator passed self actor. Catches behaviour exceptions and retains original state.

Stateful(init behaviour)
Signature: init:'State -> (behaviour:('State -> 'T -> Async<'State>)) -> Actor<'T>
Type parameters: 'State, 'T

Stateful actor behaviour combinator. Catches behaviour exceptions and retains original state.

Signature: (behaviour:('T -> Async<unit>)) -> Actor<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

Stateless actor behaviour combinator. Catches behaviour exceptions and retains original state.

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