

Namespace: MBrace.Library
Parent Module: Local

Collection of combinators that operate on inputs in parallel within the local process.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
choose(chooser source)
Signature: chooser:('T -> LocalCloud<'S option>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<'S []>
Type parameters: 'T, 'S

Parallel choose combinator.

collect(collector source)
Signature: collector:('T -> LocalCloud<'?7374>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<'S []>
Type parameters: 'T, '?7374, 'S

Sequential eager collect combinator.

filter(predicate source)
Signature: predicate:('T -> LocalCloud<bool>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<'T []>
Type parameters: 'T

Parallel filter combinator.

iter(body source)
Signature: body:('T -> LocalCloud<unit>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<unit>
Type parameters: 'T

Sequential iter combinator.

map(mapper source)
Signature: mapper:('T -> LocalCloud<'S>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<'S []>
Type parameters: 'T, 'S

Parallel map combinator.

tryFind(predicate source)
Signature: predicate:('T -> LocalCloud<bool>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<'T option>
Type parameters: 'T

Sequential tryFind combinator.

tryPick(chooser source)
Signature: chooser:('T -> LocalCloud<'S option>) -> source:seq<'T> -> LocalCloud<'S option>
Type parameters: 'T, 'S

Sequential tryPick combinator.

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